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User Management Service

The User Management Service allows users to be invited to organizations and granted individual permissions.

Free of Charge


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€ 0

per year


Invite users to your organization and grant access on different levels.

  • Invite people to your organization
  • Make use of predefined roles, such as Admin, Editor or Viewer
  • Create new organizations
  • Use different locations with one login

New functionalities of the User Management Service

  • Underlaying improvements of sign in / sign up process
  • Small bug fixes and improvements
  • Organizations a user is in, can now be searched for better usability
  • List of organizations is now scrollable
  • Better differentiation between active and available organizations
  • Users with a viewer or editor role can not access the organizations settings anymore and therefore have no possibility to know, who else is in the organization
  • Navigation can now be collapsed to have a more “focused” view on the content
  • User can now set permissions in the invitation process
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Customize individual elements to achieve a consistent design across all Smart Services.
  • Performance improvements
  • The invitations can now be found in the “Users” section. This way, users only need one point of contact to manage existing users and invited users.
  • Invited users now follow other elements within in appearance and expected behavior, making it easier to learn functionality between different smart services. Grayed out elements (invited users) show not yet 100% “finished” status of the elements.
  • For greater transparency within an organization, users of an organization are enriched with information about who invited them and since when they have been a member of that organization.
  • Editing roles has been moved to the context navigation, because here you can find all actions that are not needed for daily work.
  • Users in an organization are given a unique, individual link that can be shared within an organization for greater transparency. Why? When device access is requested, the link to the appropriate user can now be shared so that they do not have to be additionally searched for.
  • The user list can now be filtered so that, for example, only admin can be shown or users who have not yet accepted the invitation can be shown.
  • Sorting of users can now be done by name, email, invitation time or role.
  • It is no longer necessary to write an individual message in the invitation.
  • Users can now change roles of users who have not yet been confirmed, so that errors can be corrected immediately and there is no need to wait for users to confirm.
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Customize individual elements to achieve a consistent design across all Smart Services.
  • Performance improvements
  • Introduction of resource based access control (RBAC)
  • Possibility to grant access to specific devices in all Smart Services on user level
  • Bug fixes and minor improvements
  • General design changes to achieve usability and future compatibility
  • Moved invitation from organization settings to User Management Service
  • List of pending invitations
  • Pending invitations provide important information, such as date of invitation, invitee email, role, and message
  • Invitations can be resent through a link
  • Invitations can be withdrawn

  • Introduction of the User Management Service
  • Introduction of organizations within
  • Users can be part of different, multiple organizations
  • Introduction of roles
  • Permissions of users are based on roles
  • Three predefined roles: Admin, Editor, Viewer with different permissions
  • Billing and Subscription are moved to organization settings

About the User Management Service

The team introduces the User Management Service. With this new Core Smart Service, you as a user can be a member of multiple organizations. For example, create organizations for your customers, partners or to simply test new features independently from a main organization.

Invite new users to your organizations and assign them a role. The entire user and permission management is based on roles – so by assigning them to a role, you can easily ensure that the invitee has exactly the rights they need. No more and no less.

With the initial release of the User Management Service, three different roles are available:


Users with this role can use in such a way that they have access to all content, but cannot change it. This role is ideal to give access to colleagues, partners or customers to get to know and your settings without accidentally changing anything.


Users with this role can do everything that viewers can do. They can perform some critical actions (e.g. firmware updates in Device Management Service).


Users with this role can use all features and are not restricted. For example, they can also sign up for new subscriptions, delete devices or dashboards, and invite new users.

Screenshots, Tutorials, Videos of the User Management Service

  • The overview of all roles and the users assigned to them shows at first glance how many users hold a role.
    The overview of all roles and the users assigned to them shows at first glance how many users hold a role.

Hi, my name is Mirko Rose and I am glad to help you

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    Mirko Rose - Product Owner
    Mirko Rose – Product Owner