It’s time for something new again, our team responsible for the EMMA Service thought, and has released a new update for the Smart Service on Proficloud.io. In update 1.10, the Smart Service offers many new features, nested metering points, new summation features, and much more that has been requested by customers – because that’s how good development works, based on user feedback and current requirements.
What the Product Owner says about the changes
“We have developed the EMMA service in a direction that has been requested by many interested parties who want to reflect their physical properties structure in digital services. This makes it even easier to audit and validate energy optimization measures. The new update is the beginning of a series of future changes in the EMMA service – we are excited to see what our users will say about it.” – Hendrik Schramm
What changes for existing users
As a user, you can continue exactly as before. Dashboards are not affected by the new changes, they work as before. However, you can now also use Metering Points as a data source – all underlying data sources will be summed up and displayed.
The automatic migration has created a metering point with a metric for each of your devices and metrics. You can now modify these according to your individual requirements and thus display your property in the nested tree view, if necessary.
If you have any questions, we are of course available at any time.
Where to find further information
All new features can be read in detail here: changelogs
Onboarding and usage made easy with the EMMA Service FAQs: FAQs