On October 21 between 2:00 and 6:00 p.m., the Job I/O goes into the next round with the topic “IOT / Embedded Systems”. Around 20 companies will offer tips, tricks and hacks from IT professionals for the next job application in the IT sector, as well as deep dives and inside stories.
About the event and the company “get in GmbH”
get-in-IT.de is the largest platform for starting an IT career and taking the next professional steps. Here, employers apply to IT talents like you every day! We also regularly host job I/O to connect you live with exciting companies.
The job I/O is a virtual event just for IT talents and professionals, where participants can experience exciting IT employers live! They can interact with the companies from their laptops, find out about current jobs and anonymously ask anything that interests them.
About Burim Kameri
Burim Kameri showed great interest in computer and game development at an early age, which strongly influenced his later career. After school, he pursued a master’s degree with a focus on computer graphics and visualization – “because it’s fun” he says.
As a full-stack developer, he initially gained experience in mobile and cloud development. Privately, he is constantly interested in topics such as electronics, Arduino, ESP. Since a few years he works in the industrial Internet of Things environment and works on the next solutions for sustainable industry.
About the Inside Story of Fullstack Developer Burim Kameri
In his presentation, Burim Kameri talks about what motivated him to apply to Phoenix Contact and how his current employer differs from his previous one, as well as his career path within the company from technical project manager to DevOps Engineer.
He talks about challenges and benefits of a company that is establishing start up mentality and structures while having great industrial support behind it.
He goes on to talk about the core theme of Phoenix Contact Smart Business, the Industrial Internet of Things, in which he plays a key role.
Visit the Inside story of Burim Kameri and a lot more at the Job I/O
Simply register free of charge at https://www.get-in-it.de/jobmesse and take a look at what one of the full-stack developers from Phoenix Contact Smart Business has to say about his everyday life.