A rapid market launch of new functionalities with simultaneous high quality places special demands on software development. The evolvability of a software proves to be optimal when the implementation effort of a feature is always the same regardless of the time of request. An evolving architecture strengthens the innovation potential of a company because it can react quickly to new challenges.
The slogans “Software is eating the world” and “Business must innovate faster” have accompanied the economy for more than ten years. In order to continue to adapt consistently high-quality software to the constantly changing requirements here and to deliver it reliably, good software architectures are needed. Internal qualities – for example, high maintainability – which are first encountered by the developers of the software, have a significant influence on a fast time-to-market. The internal quality of the software architecture therefore represents the key to companies keeping pace with change and operating successfully in the long term.
Read the full (german) article on page 53-55 here: