Skip to content - the IIoT Platform from Phoenix Contact maintenance work on 16/08/2023

On 16/08/2023 at around 01:00 PM CET – 4:00 PM CET there will be maintenance work on the During this time automatic logouts or slow connection may occur, neither data nor configurations will be changed.

Proficloud - Introductory Guide - From Sensor to cloud - Connectivity and data analysis for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) FI

Why should every company care about its machine data?

Companies are sitting on a goldmine of data, but many fail to harness its potential due to inefficient collection and storage methods, or in the worst case, they are not doing anything with their data at all. The solution lies in implementing smart data strategies using digital sensors and cloud-based platforms to extract meaningful insights, like improving production efficiency. - the IIoT Platform from Phoenix Contact maintenance work on 26/06/2023

On 26/06/2023 at around 11:30 AM CET – 2:30 PM CET there will be maintenance work on the During this time automatic logouts or slow connection may occur, neither data nor configurations will be changed.