Now you can install the library required to connect NodeRED with the Use the way you learned on the last page to install the node-red-contrib-proficloud library. After the installation you will find the ProficloudDevice-Node in the Phoenix Contact category.
Before connecting the Node with you need to add a virtual UUID to your account.
To get a UUID for a third-party-device, it is sufficient to go to the Device Management Service and click on [Add device]. Here you get the possibility to get the hook for a virtual UUID/ virtual device. The rest of the process is as usual. After you added the device you can copy the UUID and use it in Node-RED

Now enter the UUID in the configuration of the ProficloudDevice-Node and activate AutoConnect. After the deployment of the flow the Node should connect to the Proficloud. The first connection could take a while, because of the exchange of client certificates.