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Version 1.13, Update from 10/06/2024

  • Alerts for measurements and consumptions are now possible
  • Aggregated metrics in the tree view: Metrics of the same utility type will be aggregated automatically to a virtual metric that can be used
  • Weather adjustment for different geographical locations: The solution offers via CSV upload to adjust consumptions according to the geo location
  • Log changes in the table view: You can change manually entries of metrics in the table view. Those changes will be logged from now on.
  • Find individual units to explain consumption to non-professionals, e.g. Kilowatthours in Energy for no. of cups of coffee
  • Alerts can be deactivated
  • Due to an improved Data Base usage, we increased the response time by almost 30 percent for bigger chucks of data sets like e.g. of 1 year or month

Fixed bugs

  • Some minor bugs solved
  • Export via mail link had an issue – fixed
  • Table view bugs solved
  • Neares data link did not work for a period